On this day, I am so very thankful for many things.
I am thankful for my husband, who constantly puts up with me (and my ridiculous shopping addiction). I couldn't have asked for a better partner in my life; someone who truly "gets me"...most of the time.
I am thankful for my mom, who without her I don't know where I'd be. (Well....I wouldn't be here I guess, but you get it.) She truly is my best friend, and I only hope my daughters and I will share the same kind of amazing relationship one day.
I am thankful for being chosen to be Kenley's mommy. There is no better job in the world than being a mother. She amazes me each day with a new word, a new facial expression, a new song...she's full of wonder. I absolutely love minds of children, especially my own.
I am thankful for the opportunity to be a mommy again to another beautiful daughter, due April 19th. It's a GIRL!!
I am thankful to having been born in this country. I could have been born in a much less fortunate situation, but I was chosen to be me...here...in a country that is full of opportunity.

Thank you God, for blessing me with an absolutely wonderful life. I am truly blessed.
And here's some pictures of some of my blessings....