Just when I think I've got it all finally figured out, Kadey wakes up at 3 am...again. As mentioned in the previous post, we had it easy with Kenley . She was sleeping through the nights around 6 weeks old...and not just sleeping, but sleeping like a champ! She rocked it. 8-10 hours at a time. We should only be so lucky the second time around.

Kenley snoozin' away
I've tried everything. I started giving Kadey formula at night around 6 weeks. It "kind of" worked a couple nights, then it just didnt matter what I fed her. We were still up at 3.
I've put her in her crib, in her pack and play, and in her rock & play sleeper. So far...she does best in the sleeper. I'm sticking with it.
I've changed her dosing of her acid reflux medicine, giving it to her 3 times a day instead of 2. It got rid of her "noon scream session", but not her middle-of-the-night wide awake, party time.
I've swaddled - arms in, arms out, midnight unswaddle. One night it works, but the next night? Hellooo 3am.
I started rice cereal around 3.5 months. The first night, she slept like an angel. 8.5 unbelievable hours and I think she would have slept longer had it not been for Madchen's helicopter ears at 6am. The next night...same story (except this time she was awakened by big sister crying at 5 am. Yeah...our GOOD sleeper.) So after 2 nights of sleeping 8+ hours, I think, "It's the cereal! I finally figured it out!" Yeah...wrong!
Tonight's story (as I type this at 3:46 AM) - I'm having this weird dream where I run into a few of my "Southern Indiana Friends". (Backstory...all through college and beyond I dated this guy from S. Indiana. His best friends obviously became my best friends, but in the breakup he got to keep all the friends, and I just moved on and lost some pretty awesome connections.) So, I'm at this party. I run into Andy and Tina. The last time I saw them, they had just welcomed their 1st baby girl into the world. (They now have 2.) Andy offers to buy me a drink (which if you knew Andy...duh). Then I run into Brian and Kara. They show off their kids. (This part is blurry because although I think they have kids, I'm not sure.) Then I run into Pete. After the awkward introductions of spouses, he says to me, "I want what you've got." I look at him funny, and he points to Kenley standing next to me. "Yeah..well you can't have her, buddy." He said, "No, I want my sleep back." (They just had a baby not too long ago.) That's when I start to tell the horror stories invoving my little non-sleeper. But, as if she knew I was dreaming about her, who wakes me up in real life? Oh, hi Kadey. Hi, 3:04 am. Damn...here we go again.