In just 3 short months, I've come to realize my 2 girls couldn't be any different.
During pregnancy, Kenley caused me to gain 40+ pounds, many Non-stress tests late in pregnancy b/c she didn't move much (we found out later this was probably b/c of her cord being wrapped around her neck a few times), but was overall a wonderful 1st time pregnancy experience with no morning sickness.

Kadey, on the other hand, caused me bouts of nausea at approximately 4PM each day. I only gained 25 pounds with her, and she moved ALL the time.
Don't worry. Kadey's story is MUCH shorter! I told my dr. early on that I was not going to be induced since I felt that was the cause of many of my problems during Kenley's birth. At 39 weeks I was 4cm and 75%, and after much reassuring by my dr. that everything would go smoothly this time, I agreed to an way! No pitocin, no nubane, and no epidural until 7 or 8 cm. And that's pretty much how it went! Cervidil was placed at 8 and 11 AM, I was dialated to 6cm when my water was broken, and my epidural was given (through many HARD contractions) at 8cm...almost too late!! I started pushing about 30 minutes later, and 2-3 pushes later, at 1:57 PM, Kadey Maria was born! No rushing any babies to guarded NICU doors, no hemorrhaging on my part, and no concerned moms wondering if they should worry about their daughter surviving or their granddaughter. Kenley was introduced to her little sister about 20 minutes later, and I honestly felt I could have walked from my bed to my new room (if it wasn't for my rubber legs).
After Kenley was born, life was good. She did have a bout with colic for a few weeks, where it only comforted her when I carried her around in a sling. She was sleeping through the night around 6 weeks, and ate pretty well.
Kadey...well Kadey's been "fun". At 3 weeks, Kadey was diagnosed with acid reflux. It took her 4 weeks to get back to her birth weight. She would scream ALL THE TIME unless she was eating. I couldn't keep up with her demanding feeding schedule, so I began formula earlier than I did with Kenley. I had to try 2 different brands before I found one that didn't cause her tummy to hurt more. Kadey never spits up (another difference from Kenley), but you can just tell her tummy hurts. She would only sleep for a couple hours a time, sometimes up every hour in the middle of the night demanding feedings. At 3 months, she is getting much better. She now sleeps 6-7 hours each night, and as long as she has her medicine three times a day, she's a pretty content baby. But if she's hungry or without her out!
I am excited to see how Kadey will change as the year goes on. TJ seems to think she will be a super sweet little girl, while Kenley is our sassy one (she IS 2, though!). I think both my girls will have an equal dose of "sass". They are MY girls, after all. :)
That is one crazy story!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're telling me!!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your stories on your babies! They are both so beautiful! :)