Monday, July 19, 2010

Our Little Picasso

Warning: The following should only be attempted by a professional. Do not try this at home....unless, of course, you don't mind a huge mess in order to have a TON of fun. This is (and probably will be for a while) one of my favorite activities/memories we've made! And Kenley LOVED it!

It started innocent enough...just a little paint on the belly until she figured out where the paper was.

She gets the idea...finger in the paint....

Then on the paper!

LOVING it! :)

A little belly paint.



She couldn't leave her "pigs" out of the fun!

This is about when we decided it was maybe getting out of control.

...And we're DONE!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG That's adorable. If I ever manage to get pregnant (been trying 10 months), I cannot wait to do this with my baby some day! How adorable.
