I can not believe how FAST this summer is FLYING by!!! I was sure we'd have a walker by now, but Kenley is still taking her sweet time. I'm really beginning to wonder if it's because of her "off and on" ear infections since 9 months old. Her speech sure isn't affected!! This child never stops talking!! I guess I'm not too concerned with her not walking, since everyone tells me it's nonstop chasing once she does it constantly. My biggest concern lately is getting Kenley to eat! She will not eat veggies, as much as I try. She used to be so good, too, when she was eating baby food. Now, as soon as I put anything green (or orange!) on her plate, she turns her head and refuses to try it. I still offer veggies at most meals, hoping she'll eventually get over her stubbornness! (I've also started slipping a little V8 splash/water mixture in her sippy cup once a day!) She LOVES berries...any kind...strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. I think she'd just eat berries for every meal if I let her! Kenley still only weighs a little over 21 lbs. at 16 months. She only gained a pound from 12-15 months, so of course I freaked out, but the dr. seems to be ok with her only being in the 10th percentile. He says she'll more than likely just be a "skinny girl". Great....I always secretly hated all those girls in high school. (Sorry skinny friends) :)
This summer has been fun so far! Here's pictures to prove it....
I bought a membership to the Zoo this year. Kenley and cousins, Kendall (2) & Grayson (6.5), enjoy watching the sea lions.
Kenley, Kendall, and Grayson on the neighbor's swingset.
Playing with her friend, Macy.
Feeding the horses in Oma & Opas neighborhood. (Daddy was worried the sweet horse would bite her hand off!)
Getting pushed in my swing by our neighbor, Lila. Lila will be a big sister in October! We can't wait for little Maybree (or however they will spell it) to get here!! :)
Playing in the pool in the backyard.
Excited about her new ball pit!
We had to buy Kenley a new playset/swing since the Indiana storms took out her tree swing!
Yummy! Kenley munching on some strawberries...poolside.
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